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I use Howard Gardner (1999a) examined the theory of multiple intelligences and its assumption of an existential intelligence as a theoretical lens through which to account for the cognitive possibilities of entheogens and explore potential implications for education . In this paper, we evaluate and further develop the purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano possibility of an existential intelligence as postulated by Howard Gardner (1999). Moreover, the possibility that certain types of psychoactive substances substancesentheogenshave the potential to facilitate this type of intelligence. This problem is due to purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano the recent liberalization of drug laws in several Western industrialized countries to allow the sacramental use of ayahuasca, a tea made from indigenous psychoactive plants in the Amazon. I challenge readers to leave a long-dominant paradigm in modern Western culture, which in principle is the use of hallucinogenic drugs purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano as a necessary evil and unfounded. I intend my discussion to address hypotheses about the drugs that have been perpetuated and unfairly ignored the prohibition of certain types of substance use. More generally, the intention to question the assumptions about the limited intelligence that contemporary educational thought. Entheogen is a word invented by the scientists who suggested replacing the term psychedelic (Ruck, Bigwood, Staples, Ott, and Wasson, 1979), purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano which felt too to connote psychological purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano and clinical paradigms, and also full of socio-cultural roots 1960 to correctly name plants revered purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano and substances used in traditional rituals. Can I use the two terms of this section, when entheogen refers purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano to a substance used as a spiritual tool or sacrament, and psychedelic referring to that used for any number of effects during or after calling purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano the psychedelic era of the 1960s (bearing in mind purchase soma CC WALLACE 2403 Plano that some non-indigenous contemporary usages can be entheogenicthe categories are clearly not discrete).
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